Columbus City Noise Ordinance

Noise Ordinance

The City of Columbus Code (OH) sets forth a sound ordinance for two specific time periods for properties zoned Residential. While the code can be a little misleading, The best course of action for a Resident is to make sure they are not creating sound that can be heard more than 25 feet from adjoining property lines. While the code may list a range of db metered sound for residential, it is not clear why the two sections seem to contradict each other. The code does allow for variance and permits which have specific guidelines for noise. Please see the Columbus City Code Community Noise ordinance for current information. Please understand that the SoHud Block Watch does not provide legal advice or interpretations of any law. It is under advisement of residents to seek their own legal counsel on any matter.

Summary: In a Residential Zoned area, amplified sounds should not be heard 50 feet past the property line, and the average hourly maximum sound level should not be above 60db from 10pm to 7am as measured from the affected property’s line. Sounds from proper permitted construction to meet Building Code for a property is exempt from 7am to 10pm. Sounds should not be “offensive or disturbing to a person of ordinary sensibilities”. Proper maintenance of your lawn is permitted between the 7am to 10pm hours, however you may wish to work with your neighbors a schedule that all parties can agree upon. Violation of the sound ordinance is a minor misdemeanor, unless subsequent violation within 12 hours then becomes misdemeanor of fourth degree.

Guidelines: If you believe the noise generated from a property does not meet “Reasonable Sensibilities”, call 614-645-4545 to file a Noise complaint. However, many of our residents in the SoHud and Old North Columbus neighborhood are receptive to polite one-on-one discussion about noises they create. To be “Good Neighbors”, all residents should consider their neighbors wishes to live in a reasonable manner without excessive noises. To be a good neighbor, house parties and bands in the area should minimize noise pollution after 10pm every night. Please be considerate of your voice levels when walking down the street , as many residents have children asleep before 10pm and many others have day time jobs and would like to get a proper 8 hours of sleep during the night. This is a community that has fostered numerous bands, and we would like to see the tradition continue. Please be mindful of your neighbors and refrain from expletives and excessive sound levels. Most of us like to hear your practice sessions, as long as it is within “Reasonable Sensibilities”. Complaints may also be submitted to the Columbus 311 online web portal. Go to and click the “Submit a new service request” link. On the following page, type in the search box the term “noise” and hit enter then proceed from there.

97 responses to “Columbus City Noise Ordinance”

  1. Concerned Creature

    MAPFRE Stadium is the biggest noise polluter in the neighborhood. Is there something they can do to abate the noise nuisance over there? I can hear them all the way at High and Hudson on walks.

    1. Clintonville resident

      OK, MAPFRE Stadium has gone too far! The volume levels and the time of night that the shows end are OUT OF CONTROL. How is it that in the City of Columbus an outdoor show can go past 11:00pm. and how can the volume levels be as high as they are. It is Sunday August 26th 2018 and the show/concert is still going on and LAST NIGHT IT WENT TO ALMOST 1:00 AM. I am a resident of Clintonville and I can clearly hear these shows, which is RIDICULOUS!! The City of Columbus has LOST IT’S MIND TO THINK THAT THIS WOULD AT ALL BE APPROPRIATE!! They shut down POLARIS for this and now…….IT IS TIME TO SHUT DOWN CONCERTS AT MAPFRE STADIUM!!!

      1. Another clintonville resident

        I cannot imagine how it is that the last complaint about the noise level and time of night that the concerts end is showing 2016 on this web-page. There is NO WAY that there have been no complaints concerning this in the last three months. MAPFRE STADIUM is out of control and how is it that they can get away with this in the city of Columbus, Ohio??????

      2. Columbus Resident

        I agree, the noise carries all the way over here to Sunburn and Mock. We can feel the base inside our house. This is not acceptable. It is 12AM it is time to shut it down.

        1. Columbus Resident

          Sunbury and Mock. Got autocorrected.

          1. CR

            Before any of those don’t like the noise? move. People show up, I say sure, gladly, pay me 250k, I’ll be happy to. BTW, I checked, my house is 4.1 miles as a crow flies from that Stadium. Never in my wildest dreams would I think at 12 am on a Sunday night will I be enjoying the bass and just the bass to a concert 4 miles away when I bought this house. So MAPFRE, if you are reading this, maybe, just maybe, have your sound engineer get his hearing checked? And then ask him/her to turn down the bass.

      3. venting

        yes!!! i’m in bexley and this has woken up two of my kids, and kept me awake, on a sunday night?!? this is unacceptable!!

      4. SoHud Blockwatch

        It is very interesting how weather plays into noise. I live almost a stones throw from the stadium to the west and have not noticed the sound. I do have my windows closed and A/C running, but I did walk outside about 11pm with the dog and did not hear anything. If the noise was indeed from Mapfre, I suggest that anyone that would like to voice their concerns directly with the stadium management to check out the neighborhood feedback page that they have setup. I have a link available on the post about the Breakaway Festival at

        1. SoHud Blockwatch

          We also plan to send the stadium management your feedback from this page and also from the various neighborhood Facebook groups. It will be important for their information to know approximately how far away you are, so please provide cross street locations in any feedback. Thanks for posting your concerns on this block watch page, which is run by members of the community in the SoHud area and have no affiliation with the City of Columbus nor Mapfre Stadium. Thanks neighbors!

      5. Tired Cville Resident

        Just spoke with Cols Non-emergency number, because this issue is happening AGAIN (we were definitely,affected on 27th). The gentleman with whom I spoke strongly encourages everyone to call the non-emergency number and report this issue. 614-645-4545. They collect and note all reports of noise problems.

      6. Anonymous

        It is a Tuesday at 1opm. I can hear and feel the bass from whatever is going on at Mapfree. Glad folks are having a fun time, but man, turn down the bass. I live between Indianola and Calumet, just south of North Broadway. I am around 2.5 away and I can hear this with my windows closed. Not cool. I bet they could easily dial it down without a loss to those enjoying the event. A bit of consideration please.

        1. SoHud Blockwatch

          Are you sure it is Mapfre Stadium? I live a stones throw away and do not hear anything. In the most recent inquiries, neighbors have said it was Midway Bar on High Street with their outdoor (illegal) amplification. It could also be some other local neighborhood bar with the doors open (nice night) celebrating the Blue Jackets. Columbus Crew have a special website for neighbors that you can check with about upcoming events or get on their notifications for events. You may find this useful. I have checked various neighborhood FaceBook groups and have not heard about any noise complaints.

          If you can pinpoint the location of the noise, you can call the non-emergency line to check if the establishment has a noise permit, or to file a complaint to have an officer check it out. Leaving your name and number with police does aide in their investigation if they need to talk to the establishment. Non-emergency line: 614-645-4545.

          Being so close to Crew Stadium myself, I do sympathize with your compliant. I hope you are able to find quiet soon!

          1. SoHud Blockwatch

            Crew Neighborhood website:

        2. Clintonville Resident who has to work early 🙁

          Me too! I live right off of Calumet and the bass is mind-numbing right now at 10:30pm. vibrating my entire house. It’s driving me insane- I have to wake up at 5am, my kids are in bed and have school in the morning, and on a Tuesday night this is completely unacceptable. I can let it slide on a Thursday through Saturday night, but Tuesday night is just inconsiderate.

          1. SoHud Blockwatch

            I have posted in a few other neighborhood groups in that area, but no answer as of yet. I live very close to Mapfre, and I do not hear anything from there. I will post here again if anyone identifies where the noise is coming from… 🙁

        3. Anonymous

          I’m near Studio 35 and can hear it too. I assumed it was Mapfre, however some commenters on Nextdoor think its coming from Midway on High based on their experience in the fall. I think its senior bar crawl near campus. They have a DJ scheduled until 1am so…..

        4. SoHud Blockwatch

          I have confirmed from multiple sources that have driven down to Midway Bar on High Street. due to “Senior Crawl”, the bar has a permit for noise until Midnight. If you feel strongly about this, please send an email to the Columbus City Attorneys office. There is a current case pending against Midway bar for noise violations and revocation of their liquor license, and until that case is finalized they seem to be able to continue to get permits for outdoor noise. Please continue to also call 614-645-4545 anytime you hear noise that is “unreasonable to a sensible person” and file a complaint with the City Attorney’s office.

      7. Amused Citizen

        Lmfao. I love how he says 1 a.m. like that’s late or something. Other people live on different schedules than you do. As an entertainer and performer I regularly performed till 3 or 4 in the morning party breakdowns are around 5 or 6. And then you may ask yourself how in the world do I sleep from 7 or 8 a.m. in the morning until 2 p.m. with all you a**holes driving around your cars and carrying on about your life with absolutely no consideration for the night shift. Ear plugs!!! They’re less than a cup of coffee and they’ll help you sleep sound at night. A little bit of meditation to understand that your own framing of the noise is what makes it bad and you’ll be just fine my friend. I don’t call the police on you for making 10 times the noise all day long.

        1. Anonymous

          What a self centered egotistical moron you are.

        2. Anonymous

          If wear earplugs like you say you do them why are whining and bellyaching? Not everyone follows your adolescent, juvenile schedule so go F*** YOURSELF!

      8. Columbusresident

        Actually, that was a great Odesza show and you should be honored that you heard it.

  2. Concerned Creature

    The stadium is polluting the neighborhood with noise tonight. I can clearly hear, “make them say hoe” from my porch off indianola.

    1. M

      Let’s all band together and go after all stadium shows. I’m on webber and can hear concert music inside my house. The year prior I was north of grandview heights and had the same problem.

  3. Going Nuts

    There is an ice cream truck that incessantly blasts loud repeating noise while driving a radius around the neighbourhood for hours every night since March. I just want to relax and enjoy the evening but cannot. I can hear it right now. Advice?

    1. James Moore

      Our icecream trucks now have a new sounds added to the music, gunshots and horses and pysco animals screaming and this is even louder than the music which I can hear over my tv with my windows shut. Indian mound area south side

      1. Saun

        That’s crazy!!! ‍♀️

        1. moodle doot

          very crazy !!!!

          1. moodle doot

            This combined with my neighborhood children jumping on trampolines is too much! The children jump and scream and fly over my fence all the time. They always try to break my fence every day with scimitars. These scimitars hurt my strawberry bushes which I’m extremely unhappy about. I’ve complained to their parents but they tell me I’m being unfair to their future ninja spawn.

  4. SoHud Blockwatch

    Thank you all for your concerns about MAPFRE stadium. The SoHud Blockwatch has been in contact with the stadium building manager on several occasions and the prior manager has willingly come to the blockwatch meeting to discuss concerns and if there are appropriate solutions available. Past suggestions have prompted studies by sound crews on noise carryover into the neighborhood, including monitoring sound differences when stadium hallways are packed during intermission vs when crowds are in their seats. Suggestion for angle of speakers and over all volume are considered.

    We can all work together with the stadium, but they need to hear your concerns and any useful suggestions. The new stadium manager is willing to attend any blockwatch meetings and the stadium staff wish to continue a good neighbor policy. The staff even came out on a nice hot day in May to help clean up the Maynard/Summit park and the Hudson Street corridor. They have also contributed to help us continue the tradition of the neighborhood’s SoHud Fools Parade.

    We look forward to your comments and suggestions and hope we can find an acceptable good neighbor agreement with the stadium

  5. RH

    I live in south linden. Granted it’s not the best neighborhood but excessive bass is constantly booming at all hours of day. Mostly from cars but some homes too. I’ve contacted police for past five years yet nothing is/or has been done. The stadium is loud too but the BOOM cars that shake your house at 4am are worse!!!! ENFORCE the noise ordinance please!


    There is no way that you heard Mapfre Stadium noise at High & Hudson. Lies like that diminish the validity of arguments which are actual truthful.

    1. Local homeowner

      I’ve heard Rock on the Range from Como and Indianola.
      Maybe you need a Q-tip.

    2. Karen Dennis

      I live on Piedmont and heard the whole concert from inside my house with the windows closed. Way too loud! Does it have to be that loud?

    3. Pat W.

      Come over to my place on Genessee during Rock On The Range and tell me that you’re not hearing it too.. I’m south of Weber and east of McGuffey. I can hear sound checks, people announcing the acts, and all the music all the time, until it finally ENDS.

      1. Mike

        Yes the whole thing at the stadium is out of control. The traffic is horrable. They should move the crew an stadium to a so called high class neighborhood an see how long they put up with the noise an traffic.

  7. Jason

    I live across the street from Donatos by Ohio State’s campus and they consistently blast their music at excessive decibel levels outside their store all throughout Saturday whenever Ohio State has a football game. There is no rational reason as to why they should have speakers OUTSIDE their restaurant to blast music at debilitating levels. It is loud and inconsiderate.

  8. Quit complaining when your the one who decided to move into an area with a lot going on

    I got a solution for everyone…. you dont like noise? You dont like hearing other people out having fun living tbeir lives? Move!!! Dont live close to a college campus and or a stadium!!!!! Just stay out of a big city!! Move out in the middle of no where in the woods!

    1. Anonymous

      Yes, because everyone has the option to “move out in the middle to no where in the woods.” Very good solution, thank you!

    2. James

      When I was Little boy my father and mother taught me about manners. They explained that manners is making sure that those around you feel comfortable and welcomed. Your reply leads me to think that your parents missed out on your manner lessons!

      1. John

        Miller pipeline. Violate sound ordinances daily and provide ZERO JOBS to the community! Name one employee who lives in Hilliard.

    3. Elisa Green

      I have to say I could not agree with you more!!!

    4. Anonymous

      Yes, that’s EXACTLY what people should do… move, avoid a big city… go Walden, so to speak. Idiot. Ordinances exist for a reason, even in college towns, because the help to ensure that everybody can live their lives within reasonable tolerances. I am fine with people enjoying life and “having fun [living] their lives,” so long as what they do in their spare time does not adversely affect the ability of others to live their lives as well.

      I’m a college student, and I can tell you that the noise levels around here are ridiculous. I have classes that I need to study for. Other students have work as well. There are also non-students who work professionally. The excessive noise levels impede both my ability to successfully and effectively complete my work, and adversely impact my neighbors’ quality of life and ability to relax. I, along with those whom I have just described, are also entitled to the same ability to peaceably and reasonably go about our own lives, and enjoy the ability to relax when we have time to do so. The “needs” of a few individuals, who apparently can only enjoy themselves through unnecessarily raucous parties which last until the early hours of the morning, should not be privileged at the expense of the other residents.

      I am not saying that people should be unable to have parties, play music, or otherwise enjoy themselves with their friends during their down time. On the contrary – have your party! Enjoy yourself! Music is great and can help people wind down – just don’t do it in such a way as to negatively impact those around you (those who, ostensibly, are most likely not attending your party – indeed, there is a universe that exists beyond the reality of your party, as much as this might astonish you). In general, if you’ve got a party going until past 12:00 at night, chances are that you’ll be affecting somebody’s ability to sleep, study, or otherwise quietly enjoy their own down time. Don’t be oblivious to the needs of those around you. You’re THEIR neighbor as well, and should be cognizant of the way in which your own activities affect them.

      And, as a perhaps overly snarky side note, seeing as you have advocated a position that is staunchly in favor or the “unnecessarily raucous” camp, I am of the impression that you (most likely) belong to it. If my intuition is correct, I would wholeheartedly suggest that you forgo at least a few of those parties which you most likely are eager to attend, and instead devote yourself more fully to your studies (presuming that you are also a student). Your sentence structure is appalling – spelling and grammatical mistakes are rife throughout.

      1. Guess

        Apartment buildings do not apply.

    5. Local homeowner

      Or you can have respect for your neighborhood.
      (May I assume you are a temporary guest in OUR neighborhood?)
      Maybe you should move.

    6. Jennifer

      Couldn’t agree more!!! I bet most of these people complaining moved into their houses AFTER the stadium was built and AFTER the campus was built. It’s like moving next to a railroad track and complaining about trains being too loud. What did you expect?! You don’t have to move to the middle of nowhere but moving close to any stadium or campus means there are other things you are going to have to deal with. There are plenty of places to move to that are not close to either of those places that do not require moving to the woods.

    7. Anonymous

      Learn English, and then learn civility!

    8. Anonymous

      Hey Pal I was living in this neighborhood way before the former Crew now Mapgfre stadium.

  9. Zach

    I currently live on Frambes Ave. near the Donatos (that was previously mentioned to be near Ohio State). I can hear music from the businesses and residents that surround this area while lying in bed (so loud that I could sing along to the lyrics..). Even though the area is college living, that doesn’t give them the right to be constantly disrespectful.

  10. Sam

    My neighbors in my apartment building play extremely bassy rap music through the night. It shakes our ceiling. What is it like for apartments? My landlord won’t do anything to stop them.

  11. Mike

    Something is going on near Indianola right now, some EDM house party somewhere by Indianola Crestview area, but can hear the base all the way up by Weber. They did this in the fall as well.

  12. Anonymous

    Cazuala’s new location has some horrible noise pollution now. They are blasting radio right now at 2:00 am. I can clearly hear it inside my apartment across the street

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      Please call or submit online a request to Columbus 311 and describe your complaint. You might also contact Eventide Rentals who manage the property that Cazuala’s is leasing.

  13. Anonymous

    Whoever organized country fest on June 11th 2017 and allowed that level of noise should be facing legal action.

  14. Jeff

    Columbus used to have a nice outdoor ampitheater till people started builing houses and complained about noise. Doubtful you hear the crowd from a crew game at Hudson and High. Rock on the range is one weekend a year get over it.
    Biggest thing they need to go after is these freakin cars that hurt your ears. My ears shouldn’t be ringing from someone elses music in the car next to me.

  15. Needsleep

    I have lived in the area for a few years now.
    I survived the Mint Cafe disaster (if you live anywhere near Hudson and Summit, you probably know what I’m talking about).
    Since Mint has been taken over by the original owners, this area has been really quiet.
    Until my new neighbors moved in. They have their TV on so loud that I can’t sleep through it. They watch movies all night with the tv at max. What can be done about this? I don’t want to start a war with these people.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch


      My first suggestion would be to introduce yourself to your neighbors. It is likely you will see each other often enough it would be good to get to at least know briefly who lives next to you. This also helps in knowing when you might see something out of place. If you are able to exchange numbers, you can easily contact each other in odd situations.

      Once you have a basic report with your neighbor, you can have a conversation about the level of the TV. They might not know how loud it is outside of their property. You may find out that they are hearing impaired or some other situation. Sometimes a quick conversation goes a long way to the common good. I hope all goes well for you in meeting your neighbor.

      Yes, it is also good to hear that the issues with the Mint Cafe owner have calmed down. Thank you for the update.

  16. Anonymous

    I recently moved to a new apartment complex in Grandview (the Broadview). I think one of the businesses located on Grandview Avenue behind my apartment building is running their trash compactor (that’s what it sounds like) between the hours of 12am and 4:30am almost every night. The obviously loud banging and beeping wakes me up abruptly and is extremely disturbing. Is this something that they’re allowed to do? I feel like it’s not unreasonable for them to wait until after 7am or before 10pm to do this. Any advise on how to deal with this??

  17. SoHud Blockwatch

    I do not have any official answer for you on this topic of late night trash compactor usage. However, between the hours of 7am and 6pm you might try contating the City of Columbus 311 service at 614-645-3111 and ask a representative that very question. If you get a solid answer from 311, please feel free to share what you find out.

    I would recommend identifying that the noise is indeed coming from the business and what the noise is. Also, it will be helpful to have the time and date of each occurrence when you talk to the 311 representative. If the noise from a business is getting out of hand you may also send an email to the City’s Area Commission for your area. The Broadview appears to be in the 5th by Northwest Area Commission ( You can attend one of their meetings and put in a speaker slip to share your concerns. The Area Commissions are your local representation with City Counsel and can be helpful in many neighborhood concerns.

    Good luck, and I hope you find a reasonable answer to your concern. Let us know how it goes!

  18. We have a neighbor who’s car alarm goes off at least 5 times a day for an extended period of anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes. We have tried to say something but they “magically” turn it off and drive away before we get to their car. My house mate was even flagging the lady down trying to get her to stop and she looked at her and just kept driving. It happens at all hours, random times, and is effecting our sleep, every day and every night. Please let me know what we can do about this.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      I know how frustrating listening to car alarms at random times can be, especially when you just fall asleep. The first thing to keep in mind is you want to try and understand as best as possible the situation your neighbor might be experiencing as well. They might be just as frustrated with their vehicle at not being able to keep it silent. From your description, it sounds as if they notice the alarm and try to act promptly to silence it. As with many noise issues we experience with any neighbor, it is usually best to first attempt to have a cordial conversation with them. This is the hardest of all the solutions to initiate, but after the first conversation you might just find a great resource and new friend in the neighborhood. Just remember, you will likely see them often and the result of your first conversation will possibly dictate how your experience with your neighbor will be in the future. The best recommendation is to befriend them and have polite conversations to see how you might be able to better work out some amicable solution. Maybe it might be as simple as offering a ride back from the repair shop.

      Apart from that, there are other city resources like 311 or the police non-emergency line. The non-emergency police line is 614-645-4545. You will want to provide the vehicle description, location and plate number. The police will not be able to do much unless the vehicle alarm is going off when they arrive, and then they will attempt to make contact with the vehicle owner.

      You can contact 311 at 614-645-3111 or go to their website at You can submit a service request by searching “noise” in the search box and a result for “Noise complaint in a residential area” link will display. You will want to provide location of vehicle, and its’ description and time of day this occurs most often. It is possible that a 311 request for noise will likely be forwarded to Columbus Police to investigate. I have used 311 in the past and it helps to show a record of complaints using this system.

      Out of any of the options available to you, it is likely far better to have a nice conversation with your neighbor than it would be to place a service request that might put them on the defensive. Remember, you have to live near them and possibly interact with them on occasion. It would be far more enjoyable experience if you can start off on a neighborly footing.

      Good luck, and I hope you can find an amicable solution with your neighbor!

  19. Jamie

    Reading through your messages looking for some sound resolution on a bar that sets its bands out on its patio and had huge speakers and amps when the bar can only handle maybe 80 people tops. And for the most part there seems to be the same people that go to your bars coming to the bar near me. Stupid. Their resolution is for us to Move, Disregard the law, blow off any common courtesy, forget respect for those around you, and accept the fact that its all about ‘them’. People are down right rude now a days. Bar owner, restaurant owners, those who have rowdy parties, blast their tvs are all self-centered and rude. Obide by the laws that are in place for all of us and there wouldn’t be such divide.

    1. Anonymous

      I live a few blocks away from one of those “new” wave brewery s that has a limited occupancy of maybe 80 total. I have never been there when it has had more than 30-45 on a great day. A beautiful bar that has live bands two-three days a week with large amps / 4′ speakers that play on its outside deck from approx 7-10, but often starts earlier and goes over. The city doesn’t have a noise ordnance and from what I have been told, doesn’t plan on drafting an ordnance. The bar’s Facebook has pics that have many of the elected officials in attendance, so my guess is that the bar feels entitled and the city doesn’t care about the homeowners. However…. it’s only 2-3 days a week, weather permitting, March – November …. and why should the homeowners complain? The music is suppose to stop at 10 or 10’ish. From what I have been learning, there is to be this huge bash, band and all, once the bar reopens here in May and in my opinion, appears to be snubbing any reasonable transitioning reopening. I don’t live in Columbus, and am seeing and will agree to many’s opinion that such small town politics are leaving some longtime residents concerned to speak out in fear of bar retaliation. Any help or suggestions?

      1. SoHud Blockwatch

        My only advice at this time, finding a way to work with the bar about noise, acceptable time frames and a way to communicate with owners after events to talk about the good and the bad. It is likely the owners want to be good neighbors, and having open polite, understanding conversations can go along way. If working with the bars are not going as well as you like, don’t be afraid to organize neighbors to talk to the local city government. They work for you, and if enough of the neighbors want action, it is likely they will assist if they want reelection. Citizens should never fear retribution from their city governments, nor business establishments. But remember, all conversations should be well thought out and cordial, otherwise it is difficult to sway the arguments in your favor.

  20. Anonymous

    What good are the noise ordinances if the police do nothing to enforce the law. I see police vehicles all the time around vehicles that are clearly violating columbus noise ordinance, but the police don’t even seem to be aware of the law and don’t even look at a second time.

  21. Lynsay Ferguson

    La boom aparently has a permit allowing them to play extremely loud music until 2 am. I can hear this over a mike away! I can’t sleep and I have to work in the morning. I also have 2 kids under 2 that are being disturbed by this loud music. What’s the point of noise ordinance if you can buy a permit allowing you to just blast loud music so late?!

  22. Brit Ford

    Bar locate at 985 E Hudson St needs to go. There are shootings, drinking on the streets, drugs, littering, loud noises with doors open til 4 am which they begin like around 7 pm and there has also been a shooting that lead to a death. They block driveways and take up resident parking. Something needs to be done. We call the police and they never show.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      Sorry to hear about the issues in your area, I can understand the frustrations. We suggest contacting your Community Liaison Representative and possibly the City Attorney representative for your area. We did not find a listing that said who your Community Liaison was, but you can try Katherine Cull at the North Side Pride Center 614-724-1900 or via email at . The contact for the City Attorney is Katarina Karac, email is and phone is 614-645-8619. Good luck and i hope they can provide you with some further direction!

  23. Wellington Woods

    In Multi Family Housing what if 1 resident complains that the unit bellow’s television surround sound is too loud? And mind you, this is between the daily hours of 10:oo a.m. to 8:00 p.m. That resident has made every attempt to insulate and move the speaker, the volume was between 27-28 decimals. You could hear coming through the windows closed.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      Contact and file a noise complaint to get an official answer from the City of Columbus.

      I am not a lawyer, nor are we providing advice on this topic. However, if you read the City Code 2329.11(C)(1) it gives guidelines about unreasonable or raucous noise that would offend someone of reasonable sensibilities. In other words, it would be helpful to continue to come to agreements as neighbors as to what each is willing for compromise. We all want to enjoy our properties, but we also should be aware of how our actions effect others. In conversation with the neighbor, for example you might find that they work odd hours and are attempting to sleep and sharing those time frames could help each neighbor make decisions about what each may find appropriate.

      As for being in a structure that houses multiple tenants, the ORC 2329.11(C)(2)(b) gives the distance for sound to be measured at 25ft from the imaginary boundary between the units. You may check with the City Health Department or 311 to get any guidelines on measuring the decibel levels for units on top of each other vs. side by side. While the levels may measure low, I have noticed that sounds with a low bass seem to travel better. It can be disruptive for a neighbor when all they hear is the bass sounds and nothing of the higher levels to correlate and bring value to what they hear. It maybe as simple as bringing the level of bass sounds down in the surround systems.

      Surround sound is a great way to add substance and realism to your shows, however there are some sacrifices that may need to be made in close quarter living situations in order to maintain peace and harmony among neighbors. Good luck and I hope that some form of reasonable agreement between neighbors can be had so both may enjoy their use of property.

  24. Kosta

    My wife and I live in North Linden, for 10 years now. Our neighbors right next door boom loud vibrating boom music for 3 years now. They will blast 24 hours a day. They sell drugs out in the open. I have called the cops almost every day, but the cops tell me there is nothing they can do. WHAT? Your the cops. Nothing you can do, there is noise ordinance, drugs are illigal to sell out of your home. The cops have turned their back on the tax payers of our neighborhood. Calling the cops does nothing,. Calling the cops and telling them where to find the crime is useless in North Linden.

  25. Anonymous

    Just wondering, if a business is directly next to a residential area, would they be in violation of noise ordinance laws if they have loud music and shrieking patrons between the hours of 10pm and 3am? I live in Grandview and the Local Cantina is a constant source of noise. And as someone who works on Saturdays, it’s awful to be awake until 3am and then have to be up at 6am to get ready for work.

  26. Anonymous

    If a bar is considered commercial but surrounded on all four sides by residential properties , do they still get to follow the Commercial noise ordinance of 70-75 noise decibels?

    Apparently it’s Trivia and karaoke night now on Tuesdays at Barrel and Taps in Grandview/City of Columbus !

    1. Anonymous

      The building is completely concrete, no sound insulation and they keep the large windows open all night.

    2. SoHud Blockwatch

      You may wish to contact the City of Grandview department of Public Health as they have jurisdiction on nuisance issues (see

  27. Jenny Rose Smith

    monkeys cars balloons cats
    I live in downtown Columbus, Ohio and I am constantly bothered everyday by these certain cars driving around my neighborhood speeding. These cars are the loudest and strangest cars I’ve ever come in contact with. I’ve gone outside my house while they are speeding by to find out what kind of cars they are. When I exited my house it was these grown men driving the car screaming like monkeys and throwing balloons out the windows. This is horrible as it is damaging their environment. I remember they had a cat bumper sticker and the car was purple. I believe it was a Ferrari Enzo. I was not able to get a look at the license plate as they were driving much too fast. If anyone has seen this car please let me know and arrest them. Thank you and have a very jolly day and a happy new year.
    “Sensible people always think before they act, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.” Proverbs 13:16
    Jenny Rose Smith

    1. Ellie Johnson

      I recall a similar situation, these cars are so loud, some crazy teenagers they must have been! They have an appearance of an adult, but seem to have the mentality of a child, and this is what is raising out future! I am filled with extreme Madness needles to say, I hope they stop being childish and get caught.

  28. Chris

    Rumpke picks up trash at the Northwest Library off Hard Road at 4:30am. We are in a street right next to the trashbins, you can see them from our house, and there is about 15 feet of grass between those trashbins and our street. The noise wakes up the kids, wakes up me, and despite asking both the Library and Rumpke to stop, they refuse. The ordinance says after 7am. I made a police report, I don’t think it will go far. Any thoughts?

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      I can’t speak upon the laws regrading city services and the hours they can operate. However, seeing that you are in neighborhood called the “Far Northwest”, there appears to be a neighborhood specific organization that works with the community and to approve zoning for the area etc. Check them out to see if they have some ideas, and let us know what they say as I am curious as well.

  29. Felicia A Reid

    I have been experiencing my neighbor have late night rendezvous with his lover, and I totally understand people have sex, it’s a natural thing. I’m not a prude. I work early morning hours, and this interrupts my sleep, And once I’m awakened from my sleep, it’s very difficult to get it back. So, after I awaken the next morning, exhausted, frustrated and angry to say the least!!!! I have complained to my landlord, to no avail. Any suggestions on how to deal with this issue? I need this to resolve quickly and as peacefully as possible.

  30. Anonymous

    Miller Pipeline, no jobs and ruin the community. Why are they here???

  31. Concerned Homeowner

    So the house next door decided several months ago to start playing their music so loud that I can hear it through closed windows and doors all hours of the day and night now along with loud music they found a way to make certain rooms in my house vibrate. What would cause this and how to make it stop. I hear a generator kick up before the vibration starts. I hope my house doesn’t develop structural damage. I need suggestions how to stop this before any damage is done

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      I cannot speak upon anything structural with you house, that should likely be left up to an engineer or architect. However, the first rule of thumb for any neighbor disturbance is to reach out to the neighbor and start a friendly conversation about what you notice and if they have any suggestions as to where the sound is coming from. You may find insight as to what they are working on, and hopefully together you both can agree on a solution.

  32. Anonymous

    A bar moved next door to me about a year ago. It was once a mainly inside bar but has since extended the patio. They play loud, extremely inappropriate music till 3 in the morning every Day and night. It’s more of a night club than a bar which is located in a completely residential area. They own a food truck too and this with the bar has created so much trash which never seems to make it into the garbage. There has been a large increase in the amount of trash in each neighbors yard. In addition, they use our residential parking as customer parking. Some customers have even parked in front of our garage doors. I moved here in hopes of watching the neighborhood improve but feel I am being forced out of my home. I have contacted several people about this but have gotten no where. I don’t know what else to do!

  33. Anonymous

    I’m a little concerned about the new business coming in to 367 Hudson. I saw that they are building an outdoor stage.

    What happens if they play past the 10PM curfew? Is there any guidance for that?


  34. Andrew

    I’m retired and I want to live in a quiet peaceful neighborhood, but since a Mexican landscaping business moved in next door quiet does not exist anymore. Not to mention other factors.

  35. Rod

    To the organizers of the SoHud sales and flea market on Hudson Street and Summit, next to the old theater, we welcome you and wish you success. I want to remind you lots of us live here. We are a residential neighborhood. Lately your music has been WAY too loud. Be good neighbors and we will reciprocate. While it is great to see all of you enjoying yourselves, we are here living our daily lives and really would like to do it without having to hear the loud bass and dance music all weekend. Let’s all respect each other.

  36. Ryan Barthel

    So what is the point of having noise ordinance if the City of Columbus police refuse to enforce it? My property, Bexvie Village, calls the non-emergency number 3 times a week regarding the retro lounge and guests playing music at concert level. We are lucky if an officer even comes out and when they do its always 5-6 hours later.

  37. Reese Victoria

    I’m sorry but these hours that you are open are not conducive to at ACTUAL NOICES the go on downtown. July 30, 2021 the park across the street shoot off firework AFTER the 10pm curfew for noise. I work every day at various hours and does not help at all getting to sleep at a normal hour for a productive days work the next day. It does not help at all I can not reach ANY ONE to fix this problem, the street racers are bad enough and the police don’t do anything about it and the fireworks on top of it and not able to acces this hotline for noise problems on top of it is very very annoying, and in conducive!! I feel helpless annoyed and very tired!! What is the point in even having a phone number to contact. I want answers!!! And a solution!!

  38. OSU Grad student

    Cazuelas Restaurant on High Street blares loud music from 11 am to 2 am every single day. I live about 400 ft from the place and can hear them all day long. I can’t sit on my porch because the noise is so loud, and as a graduate student at OSU, it is impossible to stay at home and work without being affected by it. Since most of us have been forced to teach and work from home in the past year, and with libraries shutting down soon and fewer campus resources to accommodate late-night study, things are even worse. It is alright if it was just the weekends or particular days of the week, but this is every single day. I do not want to call the cops, but I sure could do with some suggestions on how to tackle this peacefully. I am not a Columbus/Ohio native.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      This restaurant has come up in conversation multiple times at University Area Commission meetings in reference to the outdoor amplification. You might consider contacting the commission to see if they have a peaceful means to work with the owner of the property about the noise. The commission might be able to help draft a “Good Neighbor” agreement that limits outdoor amplification at certain times. Another resource is Katherine Cull who is the Neighborhood Liaison for this area. Sorry you have to endure the noise. I hope you find resolution.

  39. Hello,
    How can I file a noise complaint about music being played very late at night? This is at 2:00am and 3:00 am. I have tried to look for this online with no luck.

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      In my experience, I have found two avenues to start with. First, it is possible to call the Non-Emergency Police line and file a Amplified Music Noise Complaint at 614-645-4545. However, not everyone feels it is appropriate to use a police officer for this situation. The alternative is to wait until the day time and use a friendly approach with the persons creating the noise and explain the situation and see if there is an agreement that can be made on the level of sound.

      Second, You can also file a Noise Complaint via the website. Do a search for “Noise” and there will be a link to file a residential noise complaint.

  40. Shayla

    There is a person residing on Grasmere Avenue, South Linden and every night he revs up his car with loud exhaust. John 2364 please stop.

  41. For awhile now i’ve had to live in at this extended stay/hotel called Hometowne Studios off on 161. For quite some time now my next door neighbor plays very loud bassy music that we can constantly hear through our walls. We’ve complained and all the building manager keeps telling us is that they’re allowed to play it all day until night. Which is just really wrong is you ask me. Even at night they’re still blasting that horrible music until they decide to go to sleep which is typically around midnight.

    The worst part is that we found out that the noisy neighbor happens to be her daughter. So it makes sense why they feel they can get away with the loud music and won’t do anything to stop it. I feel at a loss here and just unsure what to do. Simple requests with the building manager never works as mentioned above and they always gives us attitude about it. So friendly and civil conversations are out of the question.

    How can we go about to stop them? I really need some advice since the building manager and her noisy daughter refuse to comply. I don’t know what to do. And is it even legal that have your music that loud even during the day?

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      Joshua, you might consider reaching out to the Legal Aide Society of Columbus. They offer free legal help to people with low incomes and limited savings. Their website is and phone: 614.224.8374

      I hope you are able to find a resolution to your concern.

  42. Anonymous

    The car wash next to my apartment building is a “self-service” type of car wash. Many of the people who use the car wash frequently are coming later in the evenings, sometimes in the middle of the night and they play their music incredibly loud to hear over the wash and the vacuum they’re using. My walls shake in my apartment due to the volume sometimes. The car wash is open 24hrs 7 days a week. I’ve used Columbus 311 numerous times and it continues to be dismissed without anything happening. Even my apartment building reached out to the owner as well as the city and it was dismissed as well.
    According to my building, the car wash business agreed they could put signs that say to keep music noise levels down, but no signs were placed up. Other self-service car washes (such as MooMoo) have signs that tell people “No Loud Music” etc…
    I don’t know who to reach out to about the noise levels of the people who use this car wash. I just want to ask the city to help make the business either restrict hours to day hours only (such as 7am-9pm), or get in contact with the business owner about placing signs to limit noise. What should I do?

    1. SoHud Blockwatch

      You might consider reaching out to the Legal Aide Society of Columbus to see if they have any suggestions. Their website is and phone: 614.224.8374

      More than likely, it may be better to reach out to Steve Dunbar’s Office, who assist communication between the City Attorney’s Office, the Columbus Division of Police, Code Enforcement, the City Departments of Health and Sanitation, neighborhood associations and other community organizations and phone 614-645-7483

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