Crew meeting rescheduled to February 11

2016 february meeting with Crew Stadium management as guests
SoHud’s February get-together will be our re-scheduled meeting with the Stadium Operations for Crew SC.

**Please bring your suggestions for ways to solve some of the concerns you may have about the impact of the Stadium on the neighborhood**

We will also be
• reviewing the pattern of recent break-ins & other trouble,
• discussing responses to recent construction plans
• sharing updates on the SOHUD APRIL FOOLS PARADE!!

Feb. 11, at 7:00 pm
Maynard Avenue United Methodist Church
2350 Indianola Ave (corner of Indianola and Maynard)

(doors need to be re-locked about 7:08, so please be prompt. call the cell phone number posted on the door if you can’t get in)