July 11th – SOHUD Regular Block Watch meeting


SOHUD Regular Block Watch meeting

Thursday July 11th at 7PM

Hosted by Maynard Avenue Methodist Church at Indianola & Maynard Avenue

Date was moved from the first Thursday of the month because of the July 4th holiday!!



2 responses to “July 11th – SOHUD Regular Block Watch meeting”

  1. J. Contino

    I watch the street, I report illegal behavior, I even stopped some kids from jacking stuff out of a neighbor’s car once. So I’m obviously an interested party in keeping our neighborhoods safe.

    That said, I refuse to attend any meetings at houses of worship. I would urge you to find a new venue.

  2. J. Contino, I greatly appreciate your involvement in the neighborhood. There are many ways to keep informed about what is going on in the neighborhood and if you would like, I can add you to the email that Deb puts out from news@sohudblockwatch.org

    As our neighborhood is highly diverse in their beliefs, I can greatly appreciate your request to locate other venues for meetings. We have had similar discussion between other residents and are always open to ideas. Of course, we would like to accommodate as many people as we can, both in space and location.

    The church has been very gracious to allow us to meet in their social room downstairs and we do not meet in the church areas upstairs. Pastor Patti does not charge us rent to use the space, and has been very open to meeting date changes for us.

    If you have other venues that you know that would be open to us at no charge, we will gladly entertain your suggestion!

    Thank you again, and hope to see you sometime in the near future