When there are SoHud Graffiti paint-outs in the neighborhood, we need to get permission from the owners of private properties.
Here is a copy of that form. You can print this out, have the owner sign it and return a scan to news@sohudblockwatch.org (if you can’t scan it, then send us an email & we’ll figure a different way to pick it up). We’ll keep the letters on file until the next scheduled clean-up.
SoHud Hold Harmless Agreement-2
SoHud Graffiti paintout events happen a few times per year, and will be advertising in our events listing. We are *always* looking for folks who want to help out. OR, your group can schedule a clean-up, and the Block Watch will loan out our supplies. Contact the news@sohudblockwatch.org email to make arrangements.
The graffiti removal supplies were purchased as part of a grant from the Coalition for a Non-Violent Columbus awarded to us in 2012-2013.