Columbus Ohio Winter Weather Season is upon us

Please stay safe out there neighbors! The best thing is to be informed and prepared. Even if you are not a fan of the winter weather, it is here and we can all work together to make the best of it.

Be sure that you check your furnace system is working and all vents are clear of obstructions. Now is a great opportunity to replace all air filters in your system for optimum efficiency. You should also have at least a few weeks worth of dry and canned goods stored in your house just in case you cannot easily travel to a grocer in extreme conditions. It is suggested that you also have plenty of jugs filled with water to last you through the harshest of weather situations.

This is also a great time to get out and check on your neighbors to make sure they are ok and also ready for the unexpected! Especially check on the elderly and share contact information.

The City of Columbus is responsible for the sidewalks surrounding all City Offices, however the remaining sidewalks are the responsibility of the residents and business owners. See Columbus City Code 902.03

City of Columbus Snow and Ice Patrol

The City of Columbus has a special patrol to help keep the streets within the City in a passable condition. As the roadways begin to get colder and when they are still clear, the city applies a brine anti-icing solution to help keep the ice from sticking to the road and keep it clearer longer. After the snow has adhered, then the trucks will plow the streets starting with the major arteries and moving on down to the priority 3 local roadways. This means that you may not see a plow on your interior residential roads in the first few days depending upon amount of snowfall. Check the City of Columbus Snow information page for more information about their processes.

Bicycle lanes are a lower priority, however the City did purchase small plow trucks to be utilized to clear the bicycle paths after the priority streets are cleared.

Driving Tips

  • Keep a full tank of fuel in your vehicle. There may be situations where you can be stuck in winter weather traffic for hours and you will not want to worry about running out of fuel.
  • Make sure you have your vehicle checked out by a qualified service technician to make sure your vehicle is ready for winter weather. This may include replacing fluids, belts and hoses and checking your battery condition. Make sure you have properly inflated tires. If you have the ability to purchase winter tires, you will experience a far better winter ride and increased stopping ability.
  • Always listen to your local weather station to stay up to date on weather and road conditions.
  • Keep blankets, water and non-perishable snacks in your vehicle in case you are stranded for a period of time.
  • Keep your cell-phone charged before you begin your trip

Remember: “Ice and Snow, take it slow, or just don’t go!”